Look at that amazing tufting behind Columbine!
I was reminded by Anger’s commentary on the disc of an excellent concert I saw at a London church in 2006 that featured as its third act Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire, performed by a quartet with a vocal accompaniment. The "narrator" sings twenty-one poems from Otto Erich Hartleben's German translation of Albert Giraud's original cycle of (French) poems of the same name. The poems are performed in "Sprechstimme," a melodramatic recitation style somewhere between speech and song that creates a spectacularly expressionistic mood to go with the the atonal piece, which follows a narrative of Pierrot's moonstruck adventures. Apparently Bjork performed the piece in 1996 - that would have been something to see!
1 comment:
Bjork actually refused to have her performance recorded. But you can hear David Bowie's setting of these pierrot's in turquoise...
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