Oct 6, 2010


Lots to update on, geez louise. I'm consumed right now by literally an avalanche of boxes, belongings and dust bunnies, a preoccupation with Mad Men and trying to get it all done. The countdown is on: My last day of work is next Friday, October 15th, and I will be departing Portland probably next Sunday. I'm filled with so many ideas I don't even know where to begin. Something I've wanted to post on for a while, though, is the Icelandic Love Corporation, a performance group/art collective Renee clued me in on. Their super visually charged work is incredibly intriguing and I'm dying to know more.

In their explanation of their piece Black Swans, which appears to be an installation, they said "All these artworks stem from performance, even though we meet no living bodies here... except for the audience body."

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