Anna Halprin | Planetary Peace Dance Workshop
September 18 & 19 - 12:30-5:30 pm
Registration: $125, Limited to 50 Participants
"Conduit Dance is pleased to host Anna Halprin’s historic workshop, in Anna’s words, designed “to bring the community together in our commitment to World Peace – Peace within ourselves, with each other, and in our relationship to the environment. The workshop will serve as a time of focused preparation towards the performance of our closure event – the Planetary Peace Dance – and will offer the opportunity to reconnect with the joy, strength and inspiration that dance offers us. Drawing, writing, telling stories, and creating ritual will be connected to our dances. People of all ages and abilities are welcome.” Anna provided the following statement:
There may be a future where more of us will call ourselves artists and work together to make art concerned with the primary issues of life. There may be a future where art is once again honored for its power to inspire, teach, transform, and heal. There may be a future in which all people dance together, when the circle is open enough for both grandparents and children, people of any color or culture or spiritual practice. There may be a future when we will ask to join the four-legged and winged creatures and the creepy-crawlies, the mountains, oceans, sun and moon, the rainforests . . . instead of asking them to join us. There may be a future that is all of this, or there may be no future at all."